rehab programs

What Do Drug Rehab Programs Do to Cure Someones Addiction to Illegal Drugs?

Question by Gerri R: What do drug rehab programs do to cure someones addiction to illegal drugs?
What does the treatment involve?
Is it anything like Alcoholics Anonymous, where they go to weekly meetings and say, “Hi, my name is John and I’m an alcoholic (or drug addict). Then they talk to other people at the meeting about drinking and why they like it, etc. Then learn the 12 steps and they are done. Or does drug rehab involve something totally different?

Do You Think This Is Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

Question by Steener: Do you think this is cruel and unusual punishment?
In most all jail when people who are on methadone. A drug they are taking to stay clean and off of heroin. Its a prescribed drug and without it the user goes into severe withdrawal. To me this is wrong. This is a drug given to some one who is try to improve their life not just getting high. It sickens me that the jails just treat the methadone patients like heroin addcit when they are in a treatment program. This needs to change. Does anyone agree. Could this ever happen?

How Come Medicines Are Needed for Drug Addiction Treatment?

Question by clara ic: How come medicines are needed for drug addiction treatment?
I don’t really get what the medications are for.

Best answer:

Answer by citlaly a
In a nutshell, medications help a lot in drug addiction treatment. They help in suppressing withdrawal symptoms. Having symptoms of withdrawal is mainly what makes it hard for a patient to quit doing drugs on his own. Thus, medication that will be able to free the person from these symptoms would matter much. Another reason why medicines are needed for addiction treatment is because it brings the patient’s brain functioning back to normal. It also restores the body to its healthy state.

What Are Some Songs Related to Drug Abuse, Leaving a Loved One and Cancer?

Question by Omgloltxt: What are some songs related to drug abuse, leaving a loved one and cancer?
I am preparing for my GCSE dance and for my solo choreography I want to do a piece on personal experience. I will be able to present this ither with experience with my fathers drug addiction and abuse, when my mother left him or when my nan was fighting breast cancer.
What songs can I use to show these best. Please tell me the songs and which topic they are for, Thanks!

Best answer:

Is There a Drug Rehabilitation Program Which Also Helps the Family of the Drug Abuser?

Question by lisa: Is there a drug rehabilitation program which also helps the family of the drug abuser?
After three years of negotiation, my friend’s brother has finally agreed to check into a drug rehab and the whole family wants to support him. Are there rehab programs which provide talks or seminars about dealing with a family member who’s into drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by the_only_solorose

this should lead you to your answers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



How Will I Get More Information About Drug Rehab Programs in Syracuse, New York?

Question by destinee d: How will I get more information about drug rehab programs in Syracuse, New York?
I’m doing a research paper about the different strategies being employed by staff of such programs to treat drug dependents and I badly need some credible sources of information.

Best answer:

Answer by Niki
I think that the best way for getting information about rehab program’s strategies is to contact the actual rehabs. This is a list of all the rehabilitation centers in Syracuse and their contact information. I am sure if you asked, they would give you lots of information and even send you a brochure or two.