side effects

Amphetamine Abuse (Strange Symptom)?

Question by lancee813: Amphetamine Abuse (strange symptom)?
I know someone (60 yrs. old) who was abusing dexadrine and then adderall for over a year, during this time I noticed that they were constantly humming this short tune, over and over and over again, all the time. This humming began around the time the abuse began. He was combining the amphetamines with Vicodin , Effexor, and Seroquel. He has supposedly been clean of the amphetamines for the last month yet the humming continues. Could this possibly be a sign of brain damage from the drug abuse? Also, why did the drug induce this constant humming in the first place? Thanks for any help..

I Need to Know if There Are Any Drug Rehabs in Brownwood, Texas That Will Take People With Dual Diagnosis.?

Question by dania d: I need to know if there are any drug rehabs in Brownwood, Texas that will take people with dual diagnosis.?
My friend has a brother whom she thinks has dual diagnosis. She knows for a fact that he does heroin, but she’s not sure if he’s really depressive. Their parents are away, and she’s asking me to help her find a rehab for him because she thinks this would be the best thing to do for her brother. She’s bent on finding one that will take patients with dual diagnosis, as she says that they’re better equipped at handling patients with even just a slight psychological problem.

What Is the Safest Drug to Treat Opiate Adsiction if You Suffer From Severe Liver Cirrhosis?

Question by Alan: What is the safest drug to treat opiate adsiction if you suffer from severe liver cirrhosis?
My uncle suffers from opiate addiction as well as hep c his liver is serverly damaged and i was wondering about mesication assisted treatment. Methadone is not an option.

Best answer:

Answer by abijann
I’m sorry, but all liver patients are told not to take any
medications that have not been approved by or
prescribed by their doctors.
(this includes over the counter drugs, herbs, vitamins,
minerals, supplements, and any other drugs)

Wha Are Some Medications for Parkinson’s Disease That Mimic or Replace the Dopamine Chemicals?

Question by James Bond: Wha are some medications for Parkinson’s disease that mimic or replace the dopamine chemicals?

Best answer:

Answer by Mags
First of all I know this is long – if you want to skip the narrative and the message, scroll down to the list. Even that is long because often these treatments are interlinked.

Does Green Tea Help Treat Acne?

Question by ?Emily?: Does Green Tea Help treat acne?
Does Green tea really help reduce acne in conjunction with a good diet? Also, I have extremely oily skin. Is there any way to lessen the oiliness?

Best answer:

Answer by Tui
Green tea’s antioxidants have been shown to be highly beneficial to acne prevention. These antioxidants help your body to fight against free radicals that cause damage to cells and tissues in your body. Green tea therapy is less toxic and has fewer or no side effects as compare to other drug based products.

Oily Skin
7 Restoratives for a Happier Face

What Are the Physical Effects of Drugs?

Question by Aszu: What are the physical effects of drugs?
What are the long term physical effects of alcohol and drug abuse. Even after a person stops using and becomes sober, what happens to their bodies and brains?

Best answer:

Answer by D.D.
It really depends on how much damage one has caused the body, the circulation, damage to organs, etc.

The good news is that the liver, is the only organ that will heal and regenerate itself IF one takes good care of it .