What Negative Effects Come From Perscription Opiate Use, Constantly for Say 2-3 Years?
Question by Anonymous: What negative effects come from perscription opiate use, constantly for say 2-3 years?
nose is dry
The withdrawals surprisingly aren’t noticeable.
People opiates are only as dangerous as the person taking them, allows them to be.
My will power to quit is good, but i don’t want to quit yet..
So what will happen to someone who was addicted, continued his addiction..
Death is not an answer, unless your stupid enough to overdose..my name is anonymous, not stupid;)
basically if one was to continue snorting these opiates, what permanent effects will result?
Question About Wellbutrin?
Question by ann_non_a_miss: Question about Wellbutrin?
I was taking Wellbutrin for a little over a week and I did not notice it working. I was becoming increasingly more depressed to the point I was thinking about suicide. Today I was reading the pamphlet and it mentioned that the drug can cause suicidal thoughts and to stop taking it. Needless to say I am going to discontinue use. My question is, whay would this happen? If the drug is supposed to make depression go away, why would it make mine worse??? Does anyone know a good antidepressants I can try? Preferably one that also relieves anxiety and compulsive urges?
What Is a Good Thesis Statement About Drug Addiction ?
Question by Reginald Price: What is a good thesis statement about drug addiction ?
I have to write a 20 page paper on almost any subject but need to be more specific. It could be about the cause and effect of drug abuse over years at a time or it could be about addiction and its effect on the person’s relationships(including themselves). Im desperate right now, thanks (:
Best answer:
Answer by sandie
no one ever met a opiate drug that didn’t life it. the relationship subsumes all others. too bad all the others times are not good as the first time. every soon one simply uses to feel the new normal.
Drug Rehab: Do Better Results Come From Narcanon or 12-Step Type Programs? Is Religion Behind Your Answer?
Question by fisherman: Drug rehab: Do better results come from narcanon or 12-step type programs? Is religion behind your answer?
Our problem is a cocaine addiction. Does the 12-step program really demean the individual? Is the narcanon (Ron Hubbard) approach as good, better? Do you have personal experience?
Best answer:
Answer by ZER0 C00L part deux
The Narconon approach will not be as effective as any other detox out there because Narconon does not actually TREAT or REHABILITATE in any truly effective way.
What Is the Main Difference Between Suboxone and Methadone?
Question by Elle: What is the main difference between Suboxone and Methadone?
From my research it seems that Suboxone is safer, fits into your life better (no standing in line at 5am) and does not have the severe withdrawals that methadone users experience. I would like some real life answers..it is to get off of the roller coaster of pain pill addiction. How expensive is Suboxone w/o insurance?
Best answer:
Answer by LoneRanger
sub is “easier’ to get, meaning you only need to see a doctor once a month to get it instead of going to a clinic daily.
How Do You Write a Thesis About Pedophilia?
Question by kim: How do you write a thesis about pedophilia?
Best answer:
Answer by wildan
Thesis About Pedophilia