What Is Lazy Larry and What Does It Do?
Question by Kenni: What is lazy larry and What does it do?
Is it safe and what does it do to your mind
Best answer:
Answer by jjthinstrips
ack in May, a “relaxation brownie” called Lazy Cakes caused a stir, when several politicians and public-health experts expressed concern about its safety. On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a letter to the maker of the baked good, deeming the product — which contains the sleep-inducing compound melatonin — unsafe and warning that it could be seized.
Around China
Around China
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
Prevention and treatment is not keeping up with drug use trends in Asia, said Chris Chapleo, scientific and clinical affairs director, at the first conference of national youth substance abuse in China, an event organized by the China Association of …
Read more on China Daily
BYU museum hosts art about UT women by UT women
Filed under: drug addiction statistics
Addiction in Santa Barbara
Addiction in Santa Barbara
Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics
The statistics show that drugs are also a growing trend across Santa Barbara, interestingly because of its seaside location. Mexican trafficking organizations are prolific in cities with a lot of access to beaches, and they often work … The …
Read more on Santa Barbara Edhat
Lyons: Drug courts offer sober approach to drug abuse
Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics
Can My Friend Get His Record Expunged?
Question by : Can my friend get his record expunged?
I feel bad for my friend. He’s been trying so hard but he can’t land a decent job because of his criminal record. I want to help him, but I can’t really think of any way other than helping him to get his record expunged. Only I don’t know much about the law, so I’m not sure if it’s even possible. I don’t want to bring it up unless I know for sure he could get it expunged. He did time for a felony when he was 17. He had an arrest before that, there was jail time but no conviction (like he didn’t get sentenced to prison time) because he was under suspicion of committing another violent felony. That was when he was 14. So he has an arrest from when he was 14 and a conviction from when he was 17, that he was tried as an adult for. We’re in New York State if that matters (he was also arrested + sentenced in NY). So do you think it’s possible for him to get his record expunged? If not, how else can I help him?