Cleveland Drug Court Graduates Get Treatment Program Rather Than Jail Time
Cleveland drug court graduates get treatment program rather than jail time
Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs
“I really appreciate this program because it's given me the opportunity to fulfill my dream and go on with life.” Graduates from Cleveland's Drug Court heard a powerful message from a man who suffered with alcohol and drug addiction for more than two …
Santa Clara County gets state grant for its Parolee Re-entry Services Program
Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs
San Diego Life Sciences Roundup: Cadence, Mast, Illumina, and More
San Diego Life Sciences Roundup: Cadence, Mast, Illumina, and More
Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego
Mast is testing its lead drug candidate, MST-188, as a potential treatment for sickle cell anemia and acute limb ischemia. —San Diego's Illumina (NASDAQ: ILMN) said it is creating an accelerator program for genomics-focused startups in San Francisco's …
Read more on Xconomy
Chicago's Cardinal George faces more chemotherapy
Filed under: drug treatment programs in san diego
GUEST OPINION: It Takes a Community to Beat Drug Addiction
GUEST OPINION: It takes a community to beat drug addiction
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program
Imagine if treatment for addiction was like treatment for other chronic diseases with comprehensive, personalized plans that include adequate inpatient time and solid after care. Imagine if we were proud to support the very best recovery programs …
Read more on Taunton Daily Gazette
Toledo woman struggles to escape heroin's lethal grip
Filed under: inpatient drug rehab treatment program
Medicaid Expansion Spurs States to Fight Graud, Overpayments
Medicaid expansion spurs states to fight graud, overpayments
Filed under: drug treatment programs in west virginia
In February, New York's Foundling Hospital was forced to pay $ 250,000 in fines and reimbursements to Medicaid for billing the program before children were admitted to the hospital and after they left. The state has so far recouped $ 3.8 … Arkansas …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)
Recovery Group of Southern West Virginia planning to open first Logan County …
Filed under: drug treatment programs in west virginia
Mayor Coleman's 2014 State of the City Address
Mayor Coleman's 2014 State Of The City Address
Filed under: drug treatment program in cincinnati ohio
In the 80s, this was the Ohio Center, a popular concert venue that hosted Prince, Billy Idol, Rick James and Culture Club. In the 90s … And today our recycling program is so successful that we are expanding it to 16,000 condos and apartments …
Omnicare Reports Fourth-Quarter and Full-Year 2013 Financial Results …
Filed under: drug treatment program in cincinnati ohio
Competitive Consequences: Treatment for Athletes With Addictions
Competitive Consequences: Treatment for athletes with addictions
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana
Athletes, with their need for a competitive edge, enhanced speed and being able to play through pain, are at a greater risk of becoming addicted to drugs in general but prescription drugs specifically because of injuries and the rising pressure to keep …
Experts warn of potent new painkiller Zohydro
Filed under: drug addiction treatment indiana