treatment program

NY Senate Task Force on Opiate Addiction to Meet

NY Senate task force on opiate addiction to meet

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san francisco

The bipartisan Senate task force was created to study the rise in opiate abuse and recommend better treatment and prevention programs. The task force is chaired by Republican Sen. Phil Boyle, who leads the Senate Committee on Alcoholism and Drug …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle


Suicide Prevention Sheds a Longstanding Taboo: Talking About Attempts

Filed under: drug treatment programs in san francisco

Dental Management Company Agrees to Be Excluded From Medicare and

Dental Management Company Agrees To Be Excluded From Medicare And

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

Michael C. Burgess, MD (R-TX), and Diane DeGette (D-CO) urging the OIG to use its authority to exclude anyone that has engaged in Medicare, Medicaid or other federal healthcare programs fraud or abuse. The letter faulted the OIG for not … owned by …
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To kill a tumor: UF physicians target the genes of lung, colon cancers

Filed under: drug treatment programs in maryland

A Murderer Living in Our Midst

A murderer living in our midst

Filed under: drug rehab centers in florida

In addition to the Alabama case, Martinez is linked so far to 16 deaths — 14 in California (including the ones in Tulare, Kern and Santa Barbara) and two in Florida. Martinez killed three men, perhaps more … A judge allowed him to go to drug …
Read more on Bakersfield Californian


NC woman seeks funds to cover medical expenses

Filed under: drug rehab centers in florida

Can I Be Court Ordered to Drug Rehab?

Question by NoTell: Can i be court ordered to drug rehab?
I have clinical (major) depression and I also have a substance abuse problem. If I tell my psych doc or therapist about my addiction, can they court order me into rehab?

Best answer:

Answer by Serene E
No idea. Depends on the state you are in, the court you’re going to and your age.

Add your own answer in the comments!


Texas Governor Rick Perry Receives National Award for Criminal Justice Reform

Filed under: drug treatment programs in texas

Drug Abuse Problem 15?

Question by power ball: Drug abuse problem 15?
Your Open Question: Today I relieved that I have a addiction for pain killers what should I do?

I’m actual 15 turning 16 in may what websites can I go to get advice on stopping this addiction I take 3 in the morning and at night I do this everyday and very frequent at nigh also are there groups that are low cost that I can go to or people that can help me I live in Sioux Falls SD Also where is a place where I can get a lace up ankle brace for under 10 bucks also in Sioux Falls so

Why Do Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs Cost So Much?

Question by destinie_cx: Why do drug and alcohol treatment programs cost so much?
These kinds of programs are so costly. Sometimes I think that they’re after the profit, and not really there because they want to help.

Best answer:

Answer by carmen da
Well, drug and alcohol treatment programs aren’t schemes to rip off people. The thing is, it takes money to build a treatment center. When you get yourself checked up by a doctor, you pay fees, right? Alcohol and drug addiction are both chronic disorders and just like diseases, you would need to get yourself treated for them. Treatment costs much because there are still medications to buy as well as people to pay for the services that they render for the patients’ betterment. Besides, a thousand dollars is nothing compared to the life of a person that treatment gets to save.