treatment programs

What Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Center Do?

Question by : what drug and alcohol rehabilitation center Do?

Best answer:

Answer by James Ronn
They provide treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.They follow their program in various steps.Some one told me about an rehab centre which usses different types of treatment programs for addictions.And by this life of an addictions gets fine .

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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How Does Inpatient Drug Rehab Work?

Question by Janice: How Does Inpatient Drug Rehab Work?
A few questions. Only if you know the answer no guesses please. thank you. this is for somebody that was recently in jail.

Is this in a home that is supervised by a police officer or probation officer?

Is the home both male and female patients?

Is the patient allowed to leave the home whenever they want?

Is it actually effective?

Can the patient have a vehicle and cell phone?

Can the patient have company such as the opposite sex come visit them?

Best answer:

I Have a Sister Who Has Metal Problems and She Is Addicted to Heroin and She Is a Stripper What Can I Do >?

Question by taybear1600: i have a sister who has metal problems and she is addicted to heroin and she is a stripper what can i do >?

Best answer:

Christian Treatment Programs??

Question by stolenvoice_x: christian treatment programs??
I am looking for a christian based place to go for residential treatment. I was looking into Mercy Ministries and I am pretty much a no on that and I am a DEFINITE NO on teen challenge. Preferably somewhere in Michigan. Mercy seemed so practical because it’s free, and really sounds like what I need but it’s pretty far away and they require a 6 month commitment and I don’t think I could commit to that. I am struggling with a lot right now… I am only now dealing with a rape that occured in 2002, I have been self-injuring for 10 years now and drug/alcohol dependent among lots of other things. I have been in the hospital (mental ward) about 13+ times now, residential rehab once, outpatient rehab once, I guess the list could go on.. I really need some help…. really bad… soon.. I think about suicide way too often.
I’m really scared of being in a strict, religious environment. I was raised christian but walked away from god and the church and I get really angry when I think about god, or hear people talk about him… almost enraged..
I don’t know if I can handle it.. and as for strict, I’ve always been allowed to do what I want.. so yea, I’m terrified… but I need the help. Possibly long term but not a year long.. 🙁 I dont know what to do!!!!! I need help but nothing has worked!
because like i said, nothing else has worked.

Need Help Regarding Drug Abuse?

Question by Angel: Need help regarding Drug abuse?
Hi guys I need help! my boyfriend seems to have a drug problem… he is telling me he wants to stop and is upset after he messes up, I know it always starts after he drinks he turns to that substance to sober up, now im not sure what to do I have tried my best I have threatened to leave him and he said he will only get worse… when ever I fight with him he blames it on that, seems like my only option is to not let it affect me but I cannot sit back and watch my boyfriend throw his life away, also I would be the first to send him off to rehab but with that come alot of complications in the family so that would be my last resort.. PLEASE I need advice

America’s Drug Policy Sucks!!?

Question by bamafleck: America’s drug policy sucks!!?
Why are people being locked up for non-violent drug crimes. These people have a disease and the only hope for them is treatment. The annual cost for an inmate to stay in prison is about $ 25,000. The cost of an inpatient drug treatment center is $ 9,000. Yet only 40% of our prisons have drug treament programs, when 80% of inmates have a substance abuse problem!!
So who beliefs this too?
Sorry “believes”
So you’d rather have your tax dollars annually contribute to somebody in jail who will probably be back for the same offense unless treated? Give me a break. You probably never made a mistake huh? The problem with their mistake is it changed their brain functions!!
Hey martinam…do some research on addiction…And in violent crimes, punishment must come because there was an actual victim involved