Will Pretending to Be Christian Help Me to Pull More Pretty Korean Girls?
Question by Prometheus Unbound: Will pretending to be Christian help me to pull more pretty Korean girls?
BQ: What is it about Korean culture that lends itself and so many Koreans towards the Christian worldview? Why is Christianity so appealing to the ‘Korean psyche’ if such a thing can be said to exist?
Best answer:
Answer by Chilli
It may be a case of an Asian country that prides itself as being “above” its Asian neighbours by being Christian. After all, missionaries always tell their potential converts that they will always be “primitive” and “backward” until they accept Christianity and forget their Buddhist heritage. It is called being naive and unfortunately, they are taken advantage of.
What Does It Mean to Live in a “Socialist” Society, Want to End Socialism in Your Life, TAKE the Pledge?
Question by All Religion is Pagan: What does it mean to live in a “Socialist” society, Want to end Socialism in your life, TAKE The Pledge?
I urge you to take the following pledge before it’s too late. Please pass it on to fellow members.
I do solemnly swear to uphold the principles of a socialism-free society and heretofore pledge my word that I shall
abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:
How Did Obama & Holder Arrest 400 Illegal Mexicans Without Racial Profiling?
Question by I’m gonna start another riot: How did Obama & Holder arrest 400 illegal Mexicans without racial profiling?
WASHINGTON – Law enforcement agencies have arrested more than 2,000 people in a 22-month investigation targeting Mexican drug trafficking organizations in the United States, the Justice Department announced Thursday.
The probe, called Project Deliverance, focused on the transportation of methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and marijuana along the border.
At a news conference, Attorney General Eric Holder called Project Deliverance “just one battle” but nonetheless “a very significant blow” to the cartels.
What Are All the Songs for Rock Band on the PS3? ?
Question by kraziekatie7272: What are all the songs for Rock Band on the PS3? ?
I was just wondering all of the songs for Rock Band and Rock Band 2 for the PS3. I am considering what to get for Christmas and I would like to know based off the songs. Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by sergio
rock band song list.
Do the HIV/AIDS Statistics Through Out the United States Bother You?
Question by ProudMama4710: Do the HIV/AIDS statistics through out the United States bother you?
I mean, wouldn’t you think with all of the HIV prevention programs out in the world that people would be a little more careful? I must say, I find it disturbing how many people are infected with HIV per year.
Best answer:
Answer by Charlene S
Not as much as the ones in Africa!!
Give your answer to this question below!
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What Are the Odds of Twins?
Question by kristi c: What are the odds of twins?
Stay with me here! My mom’s cousin had twins…
And the father IS a twin?
Anyone know?? thanks!
No, I’m in my mid twenties…I plan on having two children, I guess it’s wishful thinking that maybe they could both “pop” out at the same time! lol…oh well
Best answer:
Answer by Sabine
General Statistics About Multiples