wall street journal

Father Is Going for Joint Custody and Claiming Child as a Dependent?

Question by kimballz: Father is going for joint custody and claiming child as a dependent?
I live in the state of MN, and have a 7 year old with a boy (whom is nearly 28 yrs old). I left him the day after our daughter turned 1. He was abusive, an alcoholic, and a drug user. For the past 7 years I have received just $ 225 in child support, he never calls to talk to her, never asks how she is doing in school, etc. However, his mother and step father received visitations with her. This is where I am confused and fearful that he might win. He, himself, NEVER has had visitations with her, except one time, we had a verbal agreement in 2008 that he would get her every other weekend as long as he was at his parents house. One morning at 6:30am I got a phone call from his step dad telling me that he had left int he middle of the night and hadn’t returned and his step dad needed to go to work, but no one was there to watch the child. At this point, I voided our agreement. He only had 3 actually weekends with her. He left the state of MN to Cali back in Oct of 2010 with the intentions of being gone for 7 years (did I mention he is a felon?) – he then came back just a few weeks later and got arrested. His parents wanted to take my daughter to the jail to see him and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT, that is not a place for a child to see their dad. They went against my wishes and since then, they have not spoken to her or seen her.
Her dad called to talk to her on her birthday in 2010 and she didn’t hear from him until her birthday this year. His parents asked if I would let them take her to a banquet at the end of Oct. and I said no. They then stated, “We’ll see you in court then” They obviously can’t go for visitation, but in the papers that were served to me it gives all these dates that they saw her (but no dates that her dad was with her). 1. can this even be used in a case concerning a father of a child vs. the mother? 2. Will that even stand?
He is also trying to get joint custody and he wants to claim her as a dependent on his 2011 taxes (he doesn’t even pay his child support, let alone she didn’t even live with him 6 months out of this year)
He’s also a recovering alcoholic and has APPARENTLY hit a one year sober date (though I find this to be highly doubtful) – his papers neglect to state that he is also a drug addict. He completed an inpatient treatment (apparently again – he’s in and out of jail and I have no idea how he has had time to complete an inpatient treatment program).
So, not only do I have those questions posted above about parenting time but what are HIS chances of getting joint custody?
Thanks for that!! So very true. And exactly what I was thinking – but it is still very stressful! I have documentation, in which has been provided to my lawyer of the issues in the past. The thing is, there is nothing of him trying to see or contact our daughter, it’s been strictly his parents trying to see her. Thank you again, this gives me some confidence!

Online Game Addiction (Runescape)?

Question by Fyn: Online Game Addiction (Runescape)?
My best friend is addicted to a online game called “Runescape”.
He stays on Runescape all day and doesn’t get off.
Do you have any suggestions on how to break his addiction? It is not healthy to stay on a game this long. He barely sleeps, or eats. And, all he can talk about is that game. How can I break his addiction?
My best friend is addicted to a online game called “Runescape”.
He stays on Runescape all day and doesn’t get off.
Do you have any suggestions on how to break his addiction? It is not healthy to stay on a game this long. He barely sleeps, or eats. And, all he can talk about is that game. How can I break his addiction? Remember he is only a 3rd grader. He has been playing, and he hasn’t gotten bored of it. I do not want him to be addicted to another game.

Mosques Given New Message

Mosques Given New Message

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

The program encourages mosque leaders to promote "healthy outlets" for "hot topic" issues such as politics, gender relations and drug abuse. The second step involves direct engagement with a person who appears to be veering toward extremism.
Read more on Wall Street Journal


Youth narcotics use is down, but potency of 'street drugs' is up

Filed under: drug abuse foundation

Session Addresses Meth

Session addresses meth

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

The Cheboygan County Sheriff's Department recently held a training session to help officers and other emergency personnel around the county recognize a possible “one-pot” meth operation. Cheboygan County Sheriff Dale Clarmont said the problems …
Read more on Cheboygan Daily Tribune


Push to legalize marijuana is gaining important momentum

Filed under: drug addiction help in michigan

There is the claim that marijuana is a gateway drug. Really? Supporters say the correlation of pot use and heavy drug use is no greater than having a beer is to becoming an alcoholic. Who could dispute that marijuana's prohibition has failed miserably …
Read more on Port Huron Times Herald

Drug Rehab Centers Out West or Down South?

Question by P: Drug Rehab centers out west or down south?
I need to know of any good drug rehab centers out west or down south. Im working out a plan to send my sister to one. Shes 20 and is strung out on Oxy Cotin to the point that she shoots it in her arm. In the past my family sent her to one that was only about 20 mins away,and she was still at home and surrounded with it. i think i might have a plan that would work. i would like to send her out west and have her get clean and instead of bringing her back home to my moms house where oxy cotin is spreading like the plague i want to send her to my sister who lives in Germany to live for a few years until shes finally get a whole new look on life. at the same time my parents aren’t loaded. so cost is playing a huge role in this. there has to be places that have payment plans and such. i would appreciate some feedback. thanks

Help Passing Drug Abuse Online Course?

Question by Lashon: Help passing drug abuse online course?

Best answer:

Answer by Keith
Read any and all course material in the printed version or provided online. Study the aforementioned material, learn from it and apply to the questions asked.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Treat Drug Abuse – http://transformedlifeministries.com/substance_abuse_classes.html – 865-934-9598 – Are you tired of trying to treat drug abuse with outdated methods and info…


A New Drug is Killing Belarusian Youth

Filed under: online drug abuse help