Is Marijuana an “ok” Drug?
Question by Amber: Is marijuana an “ok” drug?
Some people think it’s ok to smoke weed, and a lot of times it’s socially accepted. What do you think?
Best answer:
Answer by superrelax
i’ve smoked herb for a long time. im healthy and successful…and i won’t be dying of cigarette-related cancer anytime soon, either. know the facts: there are zero reported marijuana induced deaths per year. AND i’ve never tried any other drugs in my life. so, if you want to label anything as dangerous, label the ones that warrant that label: alcohol and cigarettes. not to mention the people who find a better alternative to prescription drugs in marijuana to relieve pain caused by such things as cancer, glaucoma, MS…the list can go on.
Does the NBA Doping Tests for Illegal Drugs to the Players?
Question by Rayman: Does the NBA doping tests for illegal drugs to the players?
Like Cocaine, Weed, Crack… Etc.
Best answer:
Answer by Bob Howard
Add your own answer in the comments!
PTSD and Substance Abuse: Part II Treatment Options – Dr. Robyn Walser, of the National Center for PTSD at the Palo Alto VA Medical System examines the often dual diagnoses of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and …
Auto racing program helps veterans with PTSD
Filed under: drug abuse help for veterans
I Need Some Recent, Reliable Statistics; Care to Help?
Question by Amethyst: I need some recent, reliable statistics; care to help?
I would very much like these statistics from reliable, recent sources:
What percentage of drug abusers become addicted
What percentage of teenagers use illegal (NOT prescription) drugs
What amount of money the U.S. has spent on the war on drugs so far this year.
How many arrests out of 1000 (or 100 or 10; doesn’t really matter just out of a number) are drug-related i.e. possession, use, selling
How many people each year die from tobacco
How many people each year die from alcohol poisoning
How many people each year die from alcohol-induced car accidents
What percentage of illegal drug addicts relapse after admitting themselves to treatment
What percentage of convicts in prison on drug-related charges were addicted to drugs at the time of the crime
Please include all of your sources. These statistics should be at least as recent as 2005, and if possible more recent than that. Thank you to anyone who answers.
I have googled these to no end! If you are not going to give me the actual statistics, please don’t answer!
What Topic Should I Do for My Persuasive Speech?
Question by kebun: What topic should i do for my persuasive speech?
an original advocacy for speech and debate (persuasive speech that changes a law)
1. The ban of the psychic hotline
2. The regulation of energy drinks
3. The dangers of homeopathic remedies
4. The dangers of cosmetic surgery
5. The dangers of gambling
Best answer:
Answer by ??
Here’s a list of topics…..