war on drugs

Conservatives: How Can You Be Against an Authoritarian Government and for the War on Drugs?

Question by josh: Conservatives: How can you be against an authoritarian government and for the War on Drugs?
The Burns act signed by Reagan which allows local police to acquire military weaponry such as fully automatic assault rifles, grenades and even tanks for the purpose of drug enforcement.

Stop & Frisk made Famous by Mayor Bloomburg in NYC but has been enacted in nearly every inner city in the country. Clear violation of your constitutional right to be protected against unlawful search and seizure

What Are the Indirect and Direct Cost of Substance Abuse to Society at Large?

Question by Lee: what are the indirect and direct cost of substance abuse to society at large?
Also, what are some solutions to this problem?

Ex of indirect: who’s impacted by drug abuse?
how do these consequences impact our nation as a whole?

ex of direct: what are possible solutions to our nations drug problems?
who would be impacted by these solutions?

how does this problem have both economic and social consequences?
what are some solutions to the drug abuse problem in america?

thank you for your help!

Best answer:

Why Are Animals Included in the Study of Psychology?

Question by Squall_22: Why are animals included in the study of psychology?
First correct and satisfying scientific answer gets 10pts

Best answer:

Answer by callipygia
Animal Research Helps Explain the Central Nervous System

Although experiences in the world shape behavior, understanding how the nervous system works is critical to a complete understanding of behavior, including behaviors that are problematic in mental illness, memory disorders, and drug addiction. Much of what we know about the relationships among anatomy, physiology, and behavior has come from animal research.

Animal research has been the major contributor to our knowledge of basic learning processes and motivational systems, such as hunger, thirst, and reproduction.

Is It True That You Can Apply for SS Disability After 3 Rounds of Rehab for Addiction?

Question by ravenjudge: Is it true that you can apply for SS Disability after 3 rounds of rehab for addiction?
One of my clients was bragging to another that he would be eligible if he went through another stay. (Texas, Florida, Vermont, California)
Johnny, I hear people every day BRAGGING that they fooled the SS Admin.
Folks, I am aware that lots of people get it that don’t deserve it. I also know that you can apply even if you have no expectation of receiving. However, apparently in certain states, this is allowed as a disability. So, anyone with some solid info, please help me out; I am trying to push vocational rehab here!!!

What Kind of Jobs Do People Have in the Psych Ward?

Question by unhuman: What kind of jobs do people have in the psych ward?
i want to work in a mental health facility, either drug rehab, behavior rehab or mental health psych/psycho ward. what kind of jobs are there, i know there are MD and psychiatrists that work there, who else works there? i am really intrigued by this, i want to work there and i want to be higher up in there and not just tackle people on the floors.

Best answer:

Answer by tkahrs12122
Nurses, aides, janitors. Higher ups are the Doctors. Before you decide to work there you might want to visit one for a few hours

Live Sober Now Offers Customized Treatment Experience Based on Client Needs

Live Sober Now Offers Customized Treatment Experience Based on Client Needs

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Live Sober Now Offers Customized Treatment Experience Based on Client Needs. Live Sober Now offers free advising and treatment placement services for individuals who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction as well as their loved ones. At Live … of …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Broncos' Von Miller begins long road back

Filed under: free drug addiction help