Why Have Governments Around the World Allowed the Illegal Trade of Illicit Drugs to Spiral Out of Control?
Question by Seraphim: Why have governments around the world allowed the illegal trade of illicit drugs to spiral out of control?
What is the appeal with taking drugs, like heroin, ecstasy and cannabis knowing the harm that they cause? As far as I know, kids are taking a plant food product, called Miaow. Why?
Best answer:
Answer by ?
It’s not about ‘allowing’ it, the drugs war is fundamentally unwinnable, as was alcohol prohibition
All it does is gives criminal gangs large amounts of power and money
Explain What Mandatory Minimum Sentencing Is and How It Applies to Current Legal Situations. Is It Working?
Question by [email protected]: Explain what mandatory minimum sentencing is and how it applies to current legal situations. Is it working?
Best answer:
Answer by BeachBum
A mandatory sentence is a court decision setting where judicial discretion is limited by law. Typically, people convicted of certain crimes must be punished with at least a minimum number of years in prison. Mandatory sentencing laws vary from country to country.
Adherents of mandatory sentencing believe that it reduces crime and ensures uniformity in sentencing. Potential criminals and repeat offenders are expected to avoid crime because they can be certain of their sentence if they are caught.
What Are Some Pros and Cons of Legalizing Drugs?
Question by GoodbyeSunday: What are some Pros and Cons of Legalizing Drugs?
Yeah, its pretty simple, and I kinda need some help for my history project, so please help me. Why would it benefit to legalize drugs? Why not? and some examples of countries that already legalized drugs?
Best answer:
Answer by Phuc Eu
Pro: libs will be too stoned to vote
Con: libs will demand free drugs because of their incapacitating habits.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Addiction?
Question by Rowan: What are the signs and symptoms of addiction?
I’m looking for signs that can apply to any type addiction. I’ve tried to Google it but all I can find is for drug addictions. =/
Best answer:
Answer by Britt
I think the most typical sign of addiction is craving.
you feel like you absolutely need whatever it is you are “addicted” to.
Also if you don’t feel as though you can be yourself without it
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
How Does Alcohol or Drug Abuse Affect the Individual and Their Family?
Question by tearsofaclown: How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the individual and their family?
How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the user and their family? How do they feel? What do they do? What can they do?
Best answer:
Answer by Julia III
The family feels scared, helpless and confused. The only help for the addict is to enter a residential treatment program. From my experience, out-patient doesn’t work, counseling alone doesn’t work and suboxone alone doesn’t work. Get the patient into a treatment center. At least there will be hope again.
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How to Get Sober From Drugs?
Question by Liam: How To Get Sober From Drugs?
How to get sober from drugs, alcohol, and other addictions? I feel there’s not much I can do myself and things seem quite hopeless. Can anyone recommend a number I can call for help or drug rehab treatment?
Best answer:
Answer by Mrsam127
Stop doing them!!!!
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