war on drugs

Does Anybody Know if There Are Any Drug Treatment Programs Available in Carson City?

Question by vanessa: Does anybody know if there are any drug treatment programs available in Carson City?
I’m from Carson City, Nevada and I would like to know if I could find a drug treatment center here. My son Ethan has finally agreed to attend a treatment program to overcome his crystal meth addiction. He experienced the negative effects of the drugs to his body and he realized that there’s still hope for a better life. I’m so happy that he’s taking this step into changing his life for good. Please help us find a drug rehab. I want to have the old Ethan back.

Looking Back and Casting Forward: An Emerging Shift for Juvenile Justice in

Looking Back and Casting Forward: An Emerging Shift for Juvenile Justice in

Filed under: drug rehab centers in illinois

Always outspoken, the board president served many years as an alderman fighting for various social justice causes, including race and drug issues (she at one point challenged the validity of any national “war on drugs”). … “For so long we've invested …
Read more on Juvenile Justice Information Exchange


Vikings 2013 Mock Draft: The Riskiest Pick Minnesota Can Make at Every Spot

Filed under: drug rehab centers in illinois

Will Your Parents Have Their Medications Rationed by Obama Care?

Question by MobFather: Will your parents have their medications rationed by Obama Care?
Rationing Begins: States Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients

Medicaid is a federal program that is carried out in partnership with state governments. It forms an important element of President Barack Obama’s health-care plan because under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act–AKA Obamcare–a larger number of people will be covered by Medicaid, as the income cap is raised for the program.

In Alabama, Medicaid patients are now limited to one brand-name drug

The Harm Reduction Model of Response to Drug Abuse?

Question by xayanexchanx: The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse?
I have to explain the The Harm Reduction Model of response to drug abuse, and in my college book, i cant find a solid definition. Any help would be greatly appreciated .

Best answer:

If you will type your query into your search bar there is a good definition available.~

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



US Congressman to Speak at Republican Club Meeting

US Congressman to speak at Republican Club meeting

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Gowdy expanded Drug Court, and established a Drug Mother Protocol in an effort to assist expectant mothers in breaking the cycle of addiction, his website reads. Gowdy serves on a variety of House committees including Education and the Workforce …
Read more on Aiken Standard


The extreme of Legalization

Filed under: drug addiction help washington

Is the War Against Drug Abuse a Good Topic for a Research Paper? if So What Would Be a Good Hypothesis for It?

Question by burkedawn: Is the war against drug abuse a good topic for a research paper? If so what would be a good hypothesis for it?
I am wirting a research paper for my class at University of Phoenix online and I chose to do an essay on the “war against drug abuse”. What I am wanting to know is what would be a good hypothesis for this topic area?

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